Tax Disputes Assistant Manager

Tax Investigations/Controversy Jobs
Job Title:
Tax Manager Jobs, Tax Senior Jobs
UK & Ireland Tax Jobs
Greater London Tax Jobs
City of London Tax Jobs
£40,000 to £55,000 per annum
Salary Description:
£40000 - £55000 per annum
Job Ref:

Tax Disputes Assistant Manager - London - Top 50 Firm

Up to £55,000

A newly created Tax Disputes role has just come to market as a result of a period of extended growth, it is a great opportunity for you to develop as a Tax Disputes individual as you will be working direct with the Tax Disputes Senior Manager and Tax Disputes Director. This will allow you to progress your career by learning some highly regarded individuals within the Tax Investigations market.

The Tax Investigations work will be incredibly varies and allow you to deal with larger and more complex tax investigations including Code of Practice 8 & 9,NMW enquiries, voluntary enquiries, overpayment relief claims and technical aspect enquiries.

The successful Tax Investigations individual must have previous experience of tax disputes work as well as a sophisticated and clear writing style.

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