The Tax Senior Jobs section of etaxjobs is very large, usually listing over 1,000 tax jobs. You will therefore need to narrow down this search by specialism, eg to show corporate tax senior jobs and/or by location eg to show corporate tax senior jobs in Luxembourg.
We try not to have too many searchable job titles on etaxjobs, so the Tax Senior job category will usually include roles requiring between 2 and 5 years' tax experience. The actual job title depends on the accounting firm in question, so it might be Tax Semi-Senior or Tax Supervisor or Tax Assistant Manager.
If you already an experienced tax senior and looking for your next move, then you should probably be searching for tax manager jobs or tax accountant jobs. The latter refers to in-house tax role, generally suited to recently qualified tax seniors.
Click on the Details/Apply button next to each job to see the full posting, or check the boxes next to the jobs that interest you and click View Selected to see several jobs together. You may also add one or more jobs to your Wish List by clicking on the check boxes next to them and then clicking Add to Wish List.
468 Jobs found, viewing matches 1 - 10.
Recruiting sufficient numbers of tax professionals into tax senior jobs is critical to any accountancy firm. The annual tax compliance work is generally undertaken by tax assistants and tax seniors and then reviewed by tax managers. Most accountancy firms train up their own tax seniors by offering study support towards accountancy or tax exams. However, if someone resigns from their tax senior job to move to another firm, or to work in industry, a replacement must be found quickly and this is not always easy to achieve.
As a result it is very common for buy-backs to occur. Another terms for this is counter-offers. If you are successful in securing a job offer or multiple job offers through etaxjobs, you might find the resignation process quite stressful. We have put together an article for you to read that provides some information on what to expect when tax pros resign from their tax senior jobs.
468 Jobs found, viewing matches 1 - 10.