Part-time tax jobs are not that common, although there has been a move towards flexible working by many of the larger accountancy firms. Listed below are the current part time tax jobs advertised on etaxjobs. At etaxjobs we define a part-time tax job as one that has reduced weekly hours, typically offering 2-4 days work per week. Flexible working is regarded as a full time job but with flexible start and finish times or an element of home-working.
Please use the browse menu on the left to filter the part time tax jobs to a specific location or region.
Click on the Details/Apply button next to each job to see the full posting, or check the boxes next to the jobs that interest you and click View Selected to see several jobs together. You may also add one or more jobs to your Wish List by clicking on the check boxes next to them and then clicking Add to Wish List.
88 Jobs found, viewing matches 1 - 10.
Part-time tax jobs are regarded as very attractive within the tax market. For this reason they tend to be filled very quickly. We recommend that you add your email address to the box above, to ensure that you receive an alert as soon as a tax job offering part time working hours is added.
You may also wish to contact some of the specialist tax recruiters who advertise with us, so that they know you are interested in moving from a full time to a part time tax job.
88 Jobs found, viewing matches 1 - 10.