This is the Luxembourg tax jobs section of etaxjobs global. We usually have around 100 Luxembourg tax jobs advertised at any one time, many requiring specific language skills such as German or French.
The Luxembourg tax market is quite unique in terms of the number of different nationalities working within the tax departments of the larger accounting firms. This diverse workforce reflects the large number of international companies that choose to structure their cross-border transactions via a Luxembourg holding company.
If you are searching for Luxembourg tax jobs please filter using the yellow browsing option on the left hand side. For example you can search on International Tax Jobs in Luxembourg or In House Tax Jobs that are focussed on Transfer Pricing.
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5 Jobs found, viewing matches 1 - 5.
Luxembourg is bordered by Belgium to the west and north, Germany to the east and France to the south. Luxembourg City is one of the three official capitals of the EU and the seat of the European Court of Justice.
Around 150,000 people commute to work in Luxembourg from the greater Luxembourg area. This area is referred to as "La Grande Région" and consists of Lorraine (France), Rheinlad-Pfalz & Saarland (Germany) and Luxembourg province (Belgium). Tax professionals who commute are called "frontaliers" and many applying for Luxembourg tax jobs expect to commute, due to high housing costs within the capital.
5 Jobs found, viewing matches 1 - 5.